The 41 km. Banadad Ski Trail System is accessible from two trail heads, both with free parking; the eastern trail head is located 30 miles up the Gunflint Trail off the Lima Grade; the west end trail head is on the Gunflint Trail at Fire # 10045. In addition to the Banadad the trail system consists of the Lace Lake, Tall Pines and Tim Knapp Trails. The Banadad is the BWCA longest tracked ski trail and likely the longest wilderness tracked ski trail in the USA. For more info call 218-388-4487.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Trail Block by down trees and brush-Crews working to get the Banadad

Tons of down brush and tree have totally blocked the trail. We have been getting more snow and it has even made it worse. Paid trails crews of three to five people have been working daily. We now have the Lace Lake, Tim Knopp and 10 of the 20 Mile of the Banadad cleared. But more tree keep falling into trail as we work. It will be at least another seven or eight days before the Banadad will be cleared. That is if we do not run out of money to pay for the trail workers before then.  Help needed!

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