The 41 km. Banadad Ski Trail System is accessible from two trail heads, both with free parking; the eastern trail head is located 30 miles up the Gunflint Trail off the Lima Grade; the west end trail head is on the Gunflint Trail at Fire # 10045. In addition to the Banadad the trail system consists of the Lace Lake, Tall Pines and Tim Knapp Trails. The Banadad is the BWCA longest tracked ski trail and likely the longest wilderness tracked ski trail in the USA. For more info call 218-388-4487.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Banadad Ski Trail

The Banadad trail system is a Public Ski Trail maintained and groomed by Boundary Country Trekking. The Trail is partially supported by the State of Minnesota's Ski Pass. However this State support covers only about half of the actual annual operating expenses of $11,000-$13,000/year and the state contribute nothing toward the cost of plowing the extra parking spaces required to accommodate day skiers. To help defray costs a parking fee is charged at the Poplar Creek Guesthouse B&B parking area at eastern trailhead.

Rates are as follows-

Day skiers-$10/day car- Free Parking for Volunteers who have worked on the trail, Members of the North Superior Ski and Run Club and Sugarbush Trail Association members.
Parking at the Banadad's western trailhead located 1/4 mile south of the Loon Lake Public Landing is free. Parking is limited to 2-3 cars.

Minnesota Ski Passes- required on Banadad $15/year available in Grand Marais at Bucks

Day Passes- $5/day available at Poplar Creek Guesthouse B&B
BWCA day permit require on Banadad- free, pickup at trail entrance boxes or at Poplar
Creek Guesthouse B&B.

Banadad Maps - $5 available at Poplar Creek Guesthouse B&B; free printable online map available at

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