The 41 km. Banadad Ski Trail System is accessible from two trail heads, both with free parking; the eastern trail head is located 30 miles up the Gunflint Trail off the Lima Grade; the west end trail head is on the Gunflint Trail at Fire # 10045. In addition to the Banadad the trail system consists of the Lace Lake, Tall Pines and Tim Knapp Trails. The Banadad is the BWCA longest tracked ski trail and likely the longest wilderness tracked ski trail in the USA. For more info call 218-388-4487.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

MCC Takes on the Banadad Ski Trail

MCC Girls apply "warpaint" (mud) to take on the Banadad

One Island Lake Portage-The Minnesota Conservation Corp, six youth and two group leaders, yesterday head-out by canoe from the One Island Portage along the Moose Trail. Their destination- Rush Lake from where the group will spend the next four days brushing and widening the remote interior section of the Banadad Ski Trail around Moose Kill Hill. Seagull Lake, resident and winter Boundary Country Trekking employee accompanied the group to supervise the trail work. It is expected the crew should widen about a mile of the trail which when completed would finish the widening of all the remaining remote interior of the east end of the Banadad.

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